When Compared Apples-to-Apples, OnTimeSupplies Has the Sweetest Deals

Today we bring you a true story about a call that our CEO, Miles Young, recently had with one of our valued school customers. If you’ve ever struggled to redeem order reward points or wondered why product prices vary from one company to the next, perhaps you can relate!

I recently received a call from a school administrator who had a corporate account with Office Depot and regularly used its website to order school supplies. She was just moments away from clicking the “checkout” button on Office Depot’s website, but an issue with redeeming the school’s reward points stopped her. You see, one of the reasons that customers keep coming back to retailers like Office Depot is that it feels rewarding to accumulate points that can be redeemed for free gifts, or “chachkies.” However, those chachkies aren’t always something that you really want or need, and the process of actually getting them can take up more time and energy than they’re actually worth.

But I digress. Back to my phone call with the school administrator!

The reason that she called OnTimeSupplies in the first place was because she was looking for a product that she couldn’t find on Office Depot’s website and stumbled onto our site in her search. You can imagine her surprise when she discovered that many of the items on her shopping list were priced significantly lower on OnTimeSupplies when compared to the Office Depot prices. Naturally, she was interested in learning more about our pricing model and how we can offer such competitive rates.

To get started, I asked her to send me a copy of her shopping list so that I could provide her with an “apples-to-apples” quick quote before settling on her standard Office Depot purchase. While we were chatting, I explained to her that OnTimeSupplies has been transforming the way the office supply industry works over 12 years, and that our motto is “Your Time Matters.”

This means that you don’t have to waste your time keeping track of reward points or coupons just to get a good deal or collect a chachkie to collect dust in your office. We offer our very best pricing right off the bat to our customers because we value your time and understand what it means to work within a budget. I also explained to the administrator how OnTimeSupplies utilizes over 35 locations nationwide to keep shipping prices down, how our dedicated employees work remotely to reduce overhead costs, and how our innovative software helps us manage our business with maximum efficiency. All of these components of our unique business model help us afford to offer top-notch customer service with rock-bottom prices.

Not only that, but we deliver in 24-48 business hours, offer over 40,000 products, and have live U.S.-based customer support. We’re here when you need us, but we aren’t going to waste your time by calling to solicit additional business either. Our service speaks for itself, and our customers choose to work with us because of the awesome buying experience we provide.

After sharing a bit about how OnTimeSupplies works, the school administrator emailed me her shopping list, and I turned around an apples-to-apples quote in about 10 minutes. I couldn’t have been more happy to help this customer save at least $314.02 on a single order. I’ve uploaded a sample page of the comparison sheet here so you can see for yourself! Needless to say, the administrator was thrilled to save this much money, and the savings allowed her to buy a lot more for her school than a $29 blender she didn’t need.

I hope that this true story provides you with a real-world example of the value that OnTimeSupplies can provide to your school or business – every order, every day. If you’re curious to see how our pricing compares to your current retailer’s on the items you buy the most, send us your shopping list for a free apples-to-apples quote today!

Save on your discount school supply order with bulk pricing at OnTimeSupplies.com.

2016 Back to School Giveaway Winner


Our back to school giveaway contest is now closed!

Congratulations to Kelly Wright! Here’s the winning entry:

My favorite student is hard to pick, but I would have to go with Jasmine Davis. Jasmine was a full time collage student, double major and still worked 40 hours a week + and always had a smile on her face. She never complained about her studies or work and was always willing to go the extra mile for anyone. She is a true inspiration and I am proud to say that I know her. She has deeply impacted my life!

We were touched and inspired about your comments on teachers who inspired you.  We have been very fortunate to receive extra donations and we would like to share those gifts to you! A few additional people have been chosen to receive these additional gifts and will be notified by e-mail. Have a great 2016 school year!

Didn’t win the giveaway? No worries, you’ll find the best deals on school supplies online at OnTimeSupplies.com. And keep watching the Office Ink Blog for more chances to win free products from On Time Supplies!

2016 Back to School Giveaway Prize Package.

This year’s prize package includes classroom essentials from your favorite school supply brands! You can browse (and shop!) the complete Back to School Giveaway Prize Package here, but here is a preview:

• $130 worth of Avery Labels.
• $300+ in organizers from Avery and Quality Park.
• $300 in Scotch Tape, Post-it Notes and more from 3M.
• $400 in Pens, Pencils, Correction Tape and more from Pentel, Tombow, and other top brands!
• $390 in classroom arts and craft supplies from Avery, Fiskars and X-ACTO.
• $250 in first aid and hygiene supplies from Curad, Dial, LYSOL and Kleenex.

The fine print.

The 2016 Back to School Giveaway ends August 19, 2016. We’ll announce the winner Wednesday, August 24th. The contest is open to residents of the continental U.S. over the age of 18. All prizes subject to availability and subject to substitution.

Win $300 of Scotch + Post-it products in the Back to School Giveaway!

Win $1,800 in FREE School Supplies from 3M and other top brands!

The $1,800 school supplies giveaway from On Time Supplies is well underway. Lots of you guys have joined our email list, and are liking, sharing and tweeting up a storm for a chance to win. And we’ve gotten some great stories about awesome teachers!

Let’s take a closer look at some of the prizes, specifically the ones from 3M. You guys, they’ve provided so many of our favorite Scotch and Post-it products — $300 worth, in fact! You can’t even buy some of this stuff, that’s how cool the 3M package is.

  • (15) rolls of Scotch Tape, from always handy Magic Tape to super-cute paisley duct tape. Plus a cute tape dispenser.
  • (3) pairs of premium scissors, including a really cute pair from the 3M Designer Series that you don’t have to loan out to anybody.
  • (8) packs Post-it Notes in various colors and sizes, as well as a sweet Pop Up Note Dispenser.
  • (8) packs of Post-Page Flags and Tabs.

You don’t have to be a teacher or a student to want to get your hands on this swag! You can buy most of the 3M prizes from On Time Supplies here, where you can also get a look at many of the other prizes.

How to win $1,800 in school supplies from 3M and other top brands:

  1. Join our email list for the latest school & office supply deals.
    Subscribe to the Office Ink Blog.
  2. Follow us and share the giveaway on FacebookGoogle+Twitter AND/OR LinkedIn.
  3. Leave a comment on this post telling us about your favorite teacher or student!
    Make sure you mention where you shared the Giveaway so we can count your entry.

Reminder: contest entries go here. Use this post to talk about 3M, or school supplies, or anything really. Just make sure you post your contest entries on the contest post so we can get you entered in the drawing.

$5,800 Giveaway: win FREE School Supplies for Teachers and Kids!

Update: the 2016 Back to School Giveaway prize package is now worth $5,800 in free school supplies, thanks to incredibly generous donations from Universal and TOPS Products. Keep reading to see how you can win! Win $5,800 in FREE School Supplies!

OnTimeSupplies.com is the perfect place for teachers and students to shop for school supplies, thanks to the extensive selection, discount pricing and lightning fast delivery. Now, it’s the perfect place to stock up on supplies for FREE! Don’t miss your chance to win $5,800 in FREE school supplies from On Time Supplies! Enter the 2016 Back to School Giveaway today!
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This High Brightness Paper Is Better Than Your Current Brand

asian beautiful woman using printer in office

Copy paper is a commodity so ubiquitous and essential that all of us at some point or another have opted for whatever was the cheapest. On Time Supplies has a great option you should try with Universal’s high brightness copy paper. However, the value of this paper goes well beyond a reduced price and it’s 98 brightness rating. Read on to find out why buying copy paper holds more interesting and involved questions than you’ve probably ever considered. Continue reading