Teacher Classroom Organization Tips


The school year is in full swing — your students are turning in assignments, permission slips are coming in, paper work is going out. If you’re already drowning in clutter, we can help. It’s easier to stay organized when you have a place for everything. Check out these classroom organization tips from real teachers and learn how to keep your classroom clutter-free.

Classroom organization tip #1: repurpose household items.

Store yarn in empty hand cleaning wipe containers. Easy to measure, easy to cut & tangle free. source: growingpk.com 
Recycle milk jugs into pencil boxes. source: innerfunchild.com 

Store bulletin board letters in CD Binders.source: growingpk.com 

Classroom organization tip #2: label everything!

Organize paperwork with labeled binder clips. source: hbgirl71
No forgetting that these pencils belong to Teacher! source: AlwaysLearning
Sort & store daily lessons into labeled storage bins. source: Mrs. Terhune’s First Grade Site! 

Classroom Organization Tip #3: organize your files.

Use a file tote to neatly transport files and ungraded assignments. source: E, Myself, and I

Create a “master book” for worksheets & assignments with 3 ring binders & hole-punched pocket folders source: American College of Education via: AlwaysLearning
Collect permission slips & other forms from home in interoffice envelopes.source: Tips for Teachers
Organize paper work with labels, color coding, step file source: Stacie Wilkie 

Do you have any classroom organization tips for your fellow teachers? Let’s hear ’em! Leave your advice in the comments.

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