Swingline Quiz Matches Personality to Stapler


Swingline has a cute quiz that matches your personality to the perfect stapler. I don’t even have to take the quiz to know which Swingline stapler I want — the customizable Skins Fashion Stapler. It comes with a free code for the SkinIt website you can use to create your own design. My 2-year old nephew’s adorable face needs to be immortalized on a stapler.

Not an overly-doting auntie? No worries! Swingline has a stapler for you too. Continue reading

Amazing Video of Binder Soaring into Space

Video: Samsill Launches Custom 3 Ring Binder into Space with Help from Texas A&M

How did you celebrate your anniversary? I guarantee your festivities weren’t a cool as Samsill’s. The office supply brand celebrated its 60th year in business by launching a 3 ring binder into space. And it was awesome. Continue reading

How to write with a quill pen

Just because you aren’t a Founding Father or a student at Hogwarts doesn’t mean you can’t write with a quill pen. In a world of touchscreens and keyboards, learning how to write with a quill pen is fun hobby that doesn’t require any special calligraphy skills. Continue reading

Best Memorial Day Barbecue Sauce Recipe.


With Memorial Day coming up, all I can think about is the all the good eating I am going to do this weekend. That’s because I have the best barbecue sauce recipe ever. And you’re in luck because I’m willing to share it. Ok, it’s not my barbecue sauce recipe. Credit where credit is due — I discovered Kathy’s Award Winning Barbecue Sauce Recipe at Allrecipes.com last Memorial Day, and it was the best thing I put in my mouth ’til Thanksgiving.

I’ve made this sweet and spicy barbecue sauce recipe for chicken, pork and beef, and it is delicious on all three. I pretty much follow the instructions exactly as written, because Kathy has won awards for her barbecue sauce recipe and I have not. I have left out the liquid smoke before, and while the sauce is still pretty tasty, but not as tasty.

You can find the complete barbecue sauce recipe here (warning: video automatically starts at link, so turn the volume down if you are sneakily researching barbecue sauce recipes at work.)

Do you have a can’t miss barbecue sauce recipe? I love Kathy’s, but after an entire summer of it, I am willing to branch out a bit. If you’ve got a great barbecue sauce recipe, post it in the comments and we’ll share it on our Facebook page.


Valentine’s Day Desktop Backgrounds: cute, FREE eye candy

Valentines Day desktop backgrounds are the perfect eye candy — they don’t cost anything and are naturally calorie-free. Celebrate the sweetest holiday with new Valentine’s Day wallpaper for your desktop. Check out our gallery of work-safe desktop wallpaper backgrounds, and if you see something you like:

  1. Click on the image to open the desktop-sized version.
  2. Right click to save.

 Free Valentine’s Day Wallpaper for Desktops

Feeling inspired? You can find loads more Valentine’s Day desktop backgrounds at PS Delux and Better Homes and Gardens. And if you can’t choose just one (because that would be like choosing on piece of Valentine’s Day candy) try John’s Background Switcher. It’s a free wallpaper manager that lets you rotate through backgrounds and pulls images from Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Google Image Search, and more.

Sources: PS Delux, Better Homes and Gardens

Happy Martin Luther King Day from OnTimeSupplies.com!

It’s a big day for our democracy. Today we celebrate of American hero Martin Luther King and inaugurated the president. They’re celebrating both occasions in a big way down in D.C. Generally, all I do on MLK Day is sleep in, run errands and shamefully indulge my guilty pleasure: watching Judge Mathis. How do you celebrate MLK Day? Let us know in the comments.

Treat yourself: try the delicious Folger’s holiday drink recipes.

Folgers Chocolate Mint CappuccinoIs it just me, or do the days before Christmas make up the longest work week of the year? I need a little extra to get through this week, so I’ve been kicking my afternoon coffee breaks up a notch with the holiday drink recipes at Folgers.com. I think some of the recipes are a little elaborate for work, but they all look delicious. And there are a few you can whip up without too much trouble. So far, I’ve tried the Mexican Cinnamon Coffee and the Cinnamon Hot Chocolate. I skipped the milk and cream in the recipes, and they were still so tasty. This afternoon afternoon, I’m going with the Chocolate Mint Cappuccino   You can see all the holiday drink recipes at the Folgers site. Which one looks the most tempting to you? Let us know in the comments. And remember, you can buy Folgers Coffee in bulk for your office at OnTimeSupplies.com.

Naked Santa Worst Office Holiday Party Idea Ever


Our small staff here at OnTimeSupplies.com is spread out all over the country (and in one case lives on the other side of world). So we don’t do holiday parties. There are a lot of perks that with this set up, but I’m a little jealous of those of you that get to celebrate the holidays with your coworkers.  So, I want to personally thank CBS for posting this roundup of the worst office holiday parties ever. Schadenfreude feels so much better than envy! They are all hilarious, but this anecdote is by far my favorite:

The Naked Santa Surprise

“I worked at a great advertising agency in Rochester, New York called Rumrill-Hoyt. On good years we had extravagant holiday parties [but] the very best party came during a lean year. A down-trodden looking Santa was working the crowd, handing out drink chits. ‘Alvin and the Three Chipmunks,’ supplied by a clueless DJ, were discouraging the dancers. Without warning, the Santa, resplendent with handmade tattoos, stripped to a dirty jock strap, leapt onto a table and began bumping and grinding to the tunes coming out of a tiny tape recorder near his feet. [We] were slack-jawed and the room fell silent. The morning after the Santa show, [my boss] called all of the usual suspects into his office. None confessed to the crime of tastelessness. Turns out some newly hired, low-level assistant got stuck with planning the not very grand party, and when the party house manager offered to throw in a “naked Santa” for $50, it seemed like a good idea. Friends and I still talk about the naked Santa. A truly genuine surprise [is] the best gift of all.”

Moral of the story: pick your party planner wisely! Most of the other holiday party stories featured probably started like this:

Got a funny office holiday party story, booze-fueled or otherwise? Share it in the comments!

Source: Office holiday parties gone wild: Crazy true stories

Happy Veterans Day From OnTimeSupplies.com!

Happy Veteran’s Day! I think it’s fitting that Veterans Day will fall so soon after a contentious presidential election. No matter who you voted for, we can all be thankful for the sacrifices our veterans have made in securing our democracy.

We like to celebrate these holidays with a little history (see: Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Election Day). So here are a few quick facts about the history of Veterans Day from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:

  • 1919: Woodrow Wilson designates November 11 Armistice Day to commemorate the end of WWI and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • 1938: Armistice Day becomes an official U.S. holiday “dedicated to the cause of world peace.”
  • 1954: After WWII and the Korean War, Armistice Day renamed Veterans Day to recognize the sacrifices of military personnel.

I hope you have a wonderful Veterans Day!