Video: Color Coding File Folders

You can consider this a video followup to our post on color coding office files. We got a lot of great information from Smead for that post, and now they’ve put it all together in a quick two minute video. Basically, you want to break down your files into 4-6 categories, and then assign a color to each category.

After color coding,  you can identify filing categories at a glance. That makes it a lot easier to file and retrieve documents. Check it out the Smead Organomics video today.

Source: SmeadOrganomics

How to make a latte & froth milk without a machine.

Froth Milk Foam to make a latter without a machine.

I’m always looking for ways to save money without giving up too many of life’s little pleasures. One way I pinch my pennies is by eating out less, and that includes my previously daily latte splurges. Have you been spending less on expensive coffee drinks in these lean economic times? I just found out how to get my latte fix without signing my paycheck over to Starbucks or splurging on a DeLonghi esspresso machine. Lattes are just milky coffee. The only thing you need to make a latte is strong coffee and steamed milk.

Of course, that steamed milk froth is the tricky part. Luckily, Folgers Coffee shows you how to froth milk without a milk steamer in a quick video. All you need are is hot milk and a hand mixer and you’re in business.

Got a tip on how to jazz up a cup of coffee? We’d love to hear it! Leave your suggestions in the comments.


Coffee Condiments | On Time Supplies

Copy Paper vs. Printer Paper: what’s the difference?

HP Mail in Rebate: cash back with purchase

When you are shopping for office paper, you may have noticed that some paper is labeled copier paper, or multipurpose paper, and some is labeled printer paper (also caller color copy and laser paper). Ever wondered what the difference is? I did, and did a little investigating.

Turns out there is a difference. Standard copy paper is a thinner than printer paper — 20 lbs. a ream vs. 24+ lbs. a ream. The only time you’d notice the difference is when printing a large image. Since printing images deposits so much ink on the page, you end up with a wrinkly, blurry mess when you use thin copy paper. So, use cheaper copy paper for every day printing of text documents, and save your more expensive printer paper for graphics-heavy documents.

Source: LifeTips


Little-Known Income Tax Deductions: get all your federal tax deductions this year.

The only thing worse than paying taxes is over-paying taxes.  And many of us do pay too much in taxes, enough that the IRS publishes a list every year of the most commonly overlooked deductions.  Here are a few income tax deductions that are easy to claim and yield some big bucks.

Job-seeking expense tax deductions

If you were one of the millions of Americans looking for work in 2013, you can deduct part of job seeking expenses — with a few caveats. You can’t expenses incurred looking for your first job, or a job outside of your current field. Plus, your expenses must total more than 2% of your adjusted gross income. Qualifying expenses include employment agency fees, resume printing and mailing costs, and travel expenses. The IRS has posted more details, including more qualifying expenses, online.

Medicare Expenses

Self-employed? Then you can deduct your Medicare premiums. However, you can’t claim this deduction if you have a job in addition to your business and your employer offers insurance, or if you are eligible for coverage over your spouses insurance.

State Income Tax Deduction

The end of the fiscal cliff negotiation restored the state tax deductions. You can deduct state income tax or state sales tax, whichever is larger. Not sure how much you paid in sales tax last year? The IRS has an app for that. And, bonus: you can deduct state taxes paid in 2011.

Baggage Fees

Sounds pretty sweet, given how high airline fees can get. Couple of caveats though: you have to be self-employed, and the fees have to be incurred on business travel.

You can find more info on in our income tax post  from last year and at Kiplingers.


What’s More Sanitary, Paper Towels or Air Dryers? Find Out Before Your Next Bathroom Break.


Mayo Clinic researchers find that drying your hands with paper towels is better than using air dryers. That’s because the friction generated when you dry your hands with paper towels dislodges germs and bacteria from the skin:

Antimicrobial agents in soaps have too little contact time to have bactericidal effects during a single use or with sporadic washings, making friction the most important element in hand drying.”

Worried about the environmental impact of all that paper? Here’s short TED Talk on how to completely dry your hands with just one paper towel. Hint: you’ve been doing it all wrong. Continue reading

Tip: Use Microfiber Mop & Ammonia to Clean Salt Residue on Floors.


With winter snows and ice comes salt. And with salted parking lots, walk ways and door ways comes the ugly salt residue on your floors. Worse still, salt is not only unsightly, it’s corrosive. Regular cleaning is essential to protect your floors through the long winter months.

Best mop for cleaning up salt & snow melt.

Microfiber mops are your best choice for cleaning messy winter floors. They are the most absorbent, so you’ll actually pick up the dirty water  instead of spreading it around and pushing it into grout.  Don’t have a microfiber mop? Use a few towels to dry your floors after mopping. You’ll never get rid of the residue if you allow your floors to air dry.

Best floor cleaner for salt & snow melt.

Ammonia-based floor cleaners do the best job of cleaning up that ugly white salt residue left on floors. Ammonia neutralizes, or lowers the pH level of salt. This halts the corrosive effects, and dissolve the chemical bond between the salt and your floor.  To make your own floor cleaning solution, use two tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon of borax for every one gallon of water.

Clean salt residue from your floors as soon as possible. Salt destroys floor finishes, first creating a sticky mess that attracts dirt before dissolving completely.

Sources: The Cleanest Image, How To Clean Stuff.Net

Use your smartphone to network during your daily commute.

Take public transportation to work? While you’re avoiding eye contact with your fellow commuters, take the time to cross a few items off your to-do list, and do a little networking. Thanks to smartphones, your commute is the perfect time to read and answer email, update your LinkedIn profile, schedule meetings and more. Another great idea: use the time to catch up on industry articles and podcasts.

Check out Pendaflex’s Beyond Folders Blog for more great ideas on having a great commute.

Survive Cold & Flu Season: wipe down office supplies with disinfectant wipes.


It’s cold and flu season, so it [almost] goes without saying that you need to be extra vigilant about washing your hands. But that alone is not enought. If you’re not careful, your office is going to make you sick. Offices are incubators of cold and flu microbes. Your desk is crawling with germs — a whopping 400 times as many as found in the average men’s room. While you’ll never be able to sterilize your office, disinfectant wipes can help you stay healthy this year.

Alcohol-based disinfecting wipes kill the germs and viruses that make people sick.  Give your desk and frequently used supplies a daily wipe down with and reduce your odds of getting sick. You mainly need to worry about your telephone, computer keyboard and computer mouse. Each hosts thousands of microbes per square inch. Your telephone handset alone carries 18 times more germs than the handle of a public toilet. And these microbes can survive up to 72 hours. Regular disinfecting will go a long way towards keeping you healthy through cold and flu season.

Recommended Disinfecting Wipes
Clorox® Disinfecting WipesRating 5 stars (5 / 5 stars) by Anonymous

This is a great product. The smell is much nicer than the original lemon & fresh scent. This is a great product for cleaning your computer & telephone to ward off germs.

Buy Now

Source: BBC

Best push brooms & garbage bags for fall leaves & more.

Ready to tackle the leaves and debris accumulating outside your business? Make sure you choose the right push brooms and garbage bags for the job.

Best push brooms for outdoor debris: hard, synthetic bristles

Use stiff bristle brooms for outdoor waste

Not all push brooms are equally suited for all jobs. Only brooms with hard, synthetic bristles are tough enough to corral large debris on rough surfaces. Natural fibers such as corn will snap off and create a bigger mess.

Tip: Hang up your push broom when your not using it to help the bristles retain their shape. Check out our buying guide for more information on brooms & broom maintenance.

Best garbage bags for outdoor waste: low-density bags

Low-density bags are the best choice for outdoor waste. Low-D bags stretch to accomadate sticks, twigs & other rough debris, leading to fewer punctures. Just don’t use them for heavy waste, such as dirt or rocks. Low-D bags will split when over-loaded with heavy objects. For more tips on choosing the best bags for various maintenance tasks, check out the buying guide.

3 Ways for New Grads to Ace Job Interviews

You’ve heard all the bad news about the tough job market for new graduates. There’s nothing you can do but hit the pavement, and hit it hard. When you score an interview, you need to do your best to impress. Your education, skills & talent are the most important elements you bring to your hunt, but it’s a lot easier to sell your qualifications when your project a polished, professional image.

A little attention to these three areas of presentation can help you stand apart for the competition.

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